16 января 2025, 11:24:23


Эфирные каналы Москвы
☆Аналоговый эфир☆

Название / Частота МГц / Канал
1. Матч. Страна / 175.25 / 6 канал
2. Че / 487.25 / 23 канал
3. 360 Подмосковье Новости / 503.25 / 25 канал
4. Disney / 535.25 / 29 канал
5. ТНТ / 583.25 / 35 канал
6. Ю-ТВ / 711.25 / 51 канал
7. Супер / 783.25 / 60 канал
Подробнее 》 http://forum.vivatv.net.ru/index.php?topic=4131.30

Профилактика эфира Москвы и области



Автор Konstantin, 04 мая 2007, 09:55:35

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Betzdorf (Luxembourg) and Kourou (French Guiana), April 30, 2007. - SES ASTRA, an SES company (Euronext Paris and Luxembourg Stock Exchange: SESG), announced today that its new satellite ASTRA 1L is ready for launch on May 3 at the Kourou Space Center in French Guiana. ASTRA 1L has been fully integrated into the fairing of the launch vehicle, an Ariane 5 ECA rocket. The satellite is an A2100 AX type built by Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems.

ASTRA 1L will be located at 19.2° East, ASTRA's prime orbital position for delivering broadcast services to continental Europe, where it will also transmit the increasing number of HDTV channels. The new satellite will allow SES ASTRA to move its satellite ASTRA 2C from 19.2° East to 28.2° East, in order to meet the high demand for capacity from the U.K. and Irish markets. It will also extend the ASTRA coverage from the Canary Islands in the West to the Russian border in the East and further strengthen SES ASTRA`s unique in-orbit back-up scheme.

Practical information for media

The launch of ASTRA 1L is scheduled for the time window between 0h29 and 1h13 a.m. Central European Time (CET) on 4 May (19h29 and 20h13 local Kourou time on 3 May). The launch will be transmitted life on www.ses-astra.com and www.arianespace.com. The transmission starts 15 minutes prior to launch.

The launch will also be transmitted via ASTRA satellite from the orbital position 19.2° East, downlink frequency: 12.5515 GHz, vertical polarisation, service ID 12122, service name ASTRA Vision 2. TV stations can also pick up the signal from Arianespace. Requests must be posted until 2 May, 4 pm. CET. Please see the details on www.arianespace.com.

Photos of the launch will be available on 2 May, 6 p.m. CET (preview) and 4 May, 7 a.m. CET (launch) via AFP, Reuters, EPA, AP, Service de Presse Kyodo, in Europe via AFP, ANP, ANSA, APA, Belga, DPA, EFE, Keystone, Lusa, Pressebild, and in Japan via JIJI press.

For more details please see www.arianespace.com.


About SES ASTRA        www.ses-astra.com

SES ASTRA is the leading Direct-to-Home (DTH) satellite system in Europe, delivering services to more than 109 million DTH and cable households. The ASTRA satellite fleet currently comprises 12 satellites, transmitting  1,864 analogue and digital television and radio channels. SES ASTRA also provides satellite-based multimedia, internet and telecommunication services to enterprises, governments and their agencies. With 26 High Definition (HD) channels available via its satellites today, ASTRA is also the most important HDTV broadcasting platform in Europe. ASTRA's prime orbital positions are 19.2° East, 28.2° East, and 23.5° East.

SES ASTRA is an SES company (Euronext Paris and Luxembourg Stock Exchange: SESG). SES owns three market-leading satellite operators, SES ASTRA in Europe, SES AMERICOM in North America, and SES NEW SKIES, which provide global coverage and connectivity. The Company also holds strategic participations in SES Sirius in Europe, Ciel in Canada and Quetzsat in Mexico. SES provides outstanding satellite communications solutions via a fleet of 36 satellites in 25 orbital positions around the globe. Additional information on SES is available at: www.ses.com

Markus Payer
Tel + 352 710 725 500

Переводить думаю нет смысла все прекрасно понятно. *happy*
  • Мои антенны: Triax 88 см.
  • Мои ресиверы: Dreambox 800
  • Мои спутники: от Eutelsat-7C 7 East до Экспресс-АМ3 103 East


04 мая 2007, 10:35:11 #1 Последнее редактирование: 04 мая 2007, 10:43:10 от eugen70
Это очень хорошая новость теперь просмотр будет возможен на очень маленькую антенну(по крайней мере в западной части России ),что сказать напоследок АСТРА РУЛИТ .С уважением......
  • Мои антенны: Globo 80 см
  • Мои ресиверы: GT Media V8 NOVA,SS-S2,GS B527 4K,Lg 42ln575s.ci+ НТВ+Эконом -запад
  • Мои спутники: 68,5*east and 30*west
<br />


04 мая 2007, 10:38:49 #2 Последнее редактирование: 04 мая 2007, 10:44:07 от Konstantin
да *friends*
  • Мои антенны: Triax 88 см.
  • Мои ресиверы: Dreambox 800
  • Мои спутники: от Eutelsat-7C 7 East до Экспресс-АМ3 103 East